Happy Endings

Harry & Sally

Harry and Sally were found in Quebec on the side of a rural road looking lost and confused. Nobody claimed or inquired about them during their stay at the shelter… which was a good thing considering the pitiful shape they both were in. We were alerted about them and committed knowing the challenge we would face trying to home two dogs together. Fortunately we had an experienced foster home ready and eager to help. Unfortunately, we were not prepared for the distressing shape they were in. A trip to the vet revealed they both had ear infections, they both needed entropion surgery, full blood work, and heartworm tests. Harry had an ulcer in his eye and major skin issues. His uncomfortable looking patchy itchy coat might account for his grumpy, snarly attitude. He was also a bit protective of his girlfriend Sally whenever we approached. Sally on the other hand was shy and cautious. She definitely wanted to trust you as long as you had patience and move slow. It was clear the pair relied on each other for comfort and security. Their foster family was super supportive and took their time especially with Sally. Mr. Grumpy Pants started getting regular spa treatments otherwise known as medicated baths. He began to feel better and honed in on some of the attention Sally was enjoying. Both dogs transitioned from skinny, scared and skittish to happy, healthy and playful. One might believe they intentionally played tug of war with their foster parent’s heart strings…and guess what?! They won! Foster parents couldn’t imagine them leaving and made it clear they were part of their family now. Well done Harry and Sally! Congratulations, another foster success!