Happy Endings

  • Happy Endings


    BIG NEWS! Congratulations Smurf!

    A quote from Smurf’s Dad, “She has her paw prints all over my heart”

    Smurf is living her best life with her doting Dad! Smurf was picked up as a stray and camped out in the shelter for over 5 months. We visited and walked her during her stay but had other commitments that prevented us from pulling her. The shelter was dangerously full and a decision was made that Smurf’s time was up. Regardless of space, we had to act fast. The shelter and our rescue worked together to get her vetting up to date. The shelter staff were excellent.

    Smurf was a big girl in full shedding mode. She arrived into rescue looking super dishevelled despite the effort they made to groom her.

    Her coat was so dirty, her collar and harness had to be washed regularly. Once we earned her trust, we bathed, blew & brushed her shedding hair as best as we could. Smurf was super patient and seemed to enjoy the pampering. She is a lovely girl. The biggest surprise, was the whole other side of her when she was around men! She turned into a needy lab desperately wanting some man’s attention. Lucky for her, a chow-savvy fellow applied. Sadly he lost his beloved female chow rescues about three months earlier and was missing them terribly. It was a hard decision to transition from mourning to welcoming a new dog. Thankfully for Smurf, he was ready. Smurf’s new name is Rosie! It took one burger for her to learn it. This smart girl did everything right, including meeting new people with a wagging tail, accepting belly rubs and adapting to new routines and rules. She went from the shelter cell to rescue to her amazing forever home. Rosie now has her own house, yard and best of all, her own man to spoil her with love. Rosie’s Dad quotes are the best! “She’s not perfect, but she’s perfect to me.” “I’m going to have separation anxiety when I go to work”. Best updates ever! Congratulations Rosie you will definitely live your BEST life with your amazing Dad!

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  • Happy Endings


    WOOHOO! Happy Adoption!
    Duffy was saved from a life of neglect. Animal Services pulled over 30 chows from a hoarder’s home. Some lived their whole life inside a crate while others such as Duffy had a room to move around in. None of the dogs were walked, vetted or fed properly. We committed to helping a few and CCRCNY committed to helping the rest of these poor dogs.
    Unfortunately Duffy tested positive for hook worms and had a gapping gash where her spay incision was. We treated her, and the rest of the household dogs and healed up her opening. After several visits to the vet, she got a clean bill of health, so she was ready to move on.
    A couple who adopted from us in the past, missed their beloved chow after she crossed the Rainbow Bridge. Their application was perfect, they were chow savvy, lovely people with great knowledge. We always try our best to get good dogs into good home, and Duffy is a great dog and this was a great home. The oversight was, Duffy came from a hoarding house of 30 chows, landed in a home with a pack of five then moved on to be the only dog. It didn’t take long for everyone to realize, she needed to be with other furry friends.
    This is exactly why it’s important for us to match up people and dogs correctly.
    Duffy did not want to leave her foster siblings, she was happy right here. We could not afford to get it wrong again and the bar was set impossibly high.
    Every application was carefully scrutinized including this last one. I expressed a concern I had, and was ready to move onto the next family when the applicant’s response made me pause. Her explanation was honest, and she had a corrective plan in place. What jumped through the phone, was her positive energy.
    We decided to do a meet and greet. I was still leery until we were about to say goodbye. She got down on he ground and Duffy squeezed in under her arm, her big male under the other. She was in her glory so we decided to go inside. This gave her partner a chance to fall further in love with Miss Fluffy Pants…the dog he already told the neighbors they were adopting. She snuggled into him for all the attention she could get while their handsome boy sat patiently and watched without a care.
    After a few more meets, walks and cuddle time not to mention the many messages of heartfelt excitement, we let her go to her forever home with paws and fingers crossed. We were kept updated with photos and positive messages. If this amazing home didn’t work, Duffy would stay with us forever…it couldn’t get better than this. By day three, Duffy knew she hit the jackpot. She was enjoying the many walks, cuddles, premium food and her new fur-brother was fun to play chase with in the huge backyard! Life just got a whole lot better for this incredibly sweet little girl. Congratulations Duffy, you will never be neglected in ANY way ever again! Enjoy your adorable new family.

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  • Happy Endings


    Dolly was a senior girl who looked decades older than she likely was. She appeared completely shut down and defeated at the back of her crate in the shelter. The wounds and scars on her body told story of a rough, hard sad life. Riddled with so many issues and looking so broken, she was close to being humanly euthanized out of compassion. We agreed to take her pending the vets assessment. Once we had the go ahead, her spayed and dental were scheduled. After surgery, Dolly was left with 14 out of 42 teeth because they were either rotten, cracked, or had exposed roots. 16 weeks later, she underwent entropion surgery.  

    We placed Dolly in the best foster home where she would receive incredible care.  Her red raw ears got better with medication, she had her first bath to wash away the smelly past and was able to sleep in comfort with her very own stuffy.  Everyone routed for this sad girl to feel joy, and she did.  Slowly she healed, slowly she he came out of her shell and slowly she looked brighter. Not one, but two special families followed her journey and were ready to welcome her into their lives. It came down to her being an only dog. We felt certain Dolly had shared enough of herself with other canines, and now was the time to lavish in all the attention by herself.  Her new family was thrilled and couldn’t wait to meet her. They didn’t hesitate to drive from Nova Scotia to Ontario when they got the news. Dolly landed in a dream home with gentle caring humans. They loved her well before they met her.  This old girl has blossomed into a beautiful healthy Pei, who knows what it is to be an important member of a family. Congratulations Dolly and our new family…enjoy living your best life ever! 

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  • Happy Endings


    Jasmine landed in our rescue because she badly beat up a smaller resident dog over a treat…not once but twice. The little dog needed extensive medical care and her owner was heartbroken. Jasmine’s vet recommended euthanizing her and an appointment was booked.  Poor Jasmine had no idea how upset she made her parents. Right before her appointment, Merlin’s agreed to take her into rescue.  

    She was an absolutely lovely girl. A very pretty girl, sweet as she could possibly be…especially after we got her groomed.  Sadly, she desperately wanted to go back to go home to her family.  While in rescue, she did enjoy MANY long exhausting walks and much attention, but nothing stopped her incessant stress. She panted, barked and cried day and night. Weeks passed and she still hasn’t settled in. Her previous parents emailed regularly to check up on how she was doing.  One day they called and could hear her barking in the background. They were already missing her and hearing her broke their hearts. It was an emotional decision to let her go. They asked for her back.  We discussed what happened, and what measures would be in place to make sure it never happened again. They agreed to keep Jasmine and the little dog safe especially with treats. Jasmine couldn’t be happier to see her parents again. It was a joyful reunion. Poor Jazzy was exhausted from being away from her family and slept peacefully the whole ride home.     

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  • Happy Endings


    Havoc and his siblings were dumped loose in a remote area by a puppy mill breeder once they were not sellable.  One by one they were trapped, vetted and either adopted or turned over to rescue. Our wonderful transport gal had been waiting for the right chow to add to her family. While picking up his sister to bring to rescue, arrangements were made for a meet and greet for Havic and her girl Fury. Havoc quite liked Fury right away and our transporter fell for his puppy dog eyes the minute she saw him.  Needless to say, it was the right fit, and her next transport was bringing her new fur-baby home!  Congratulations Havoc, Fury, your new family and home! 

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  • Happy Endings


    Happy Ending! ….(Pym / Kenya…now Noochie)
    Pym and her brother were two of six chow mixes dumped by a backyard breeder. They were scared and clung together in the shelter frightened of the staff. They were also scared of doorways so often had to be carried through them. Transport was arranged to pull Pym first. She quickly settled in with her foster family who also helped get her to the clinic for the rest of her vetting. She was fantastic! Meanwhile, application, piled in for this stunning looking beauty. We started with past adopters and approved applicants that have been patiently waiting for the right dog. A young energetic couple stood out and we felt like it would be the perfect fit. We knew he recently lost his loyal buddy to cancer, a beautiful chow who was given the best care by the OVC. What we didn’t know was his partner was secretly hoping for a more energetic dog such as an Aussie. Needless to say, they both were thrilled to become Pym’s new family! We look forward to hearing about everything she’ll learn and the adventures she will enjoy. Congratulations Pym you’re part of an awesome family!

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    BIG HAPPY NEWS for Soya!

    After 7 years of home life, Sweet Soya found herself sleeping on a concrete floor in a shelter…twice in the last year. The staff was eager to get this lovely girl into rescue because the shelter was at capacity. She was spayed, vaccinated and had her over grown nails trimmed. The only thing left was to remove several thick matts and find her a happy home.
    Her future Mom and long time Merlin’s follower read several comments of disbelief that Soya hadn’t been adopted quickly, but she knew the reason why…Soya was meant to be part of her family. She and her husband traveled from Quebec to Mississauga to meet her. After a nice long walk, Soya’s future Dad admitted that he loved her already! Does it get any better than that? Yep! There were three excited girls waiting at home to welcome the newest female into their family! Congratulations Soya and family!

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  • Happy Endings


    Humbert was one of 27 dogs condemned to life in a small crate had the authorities not busted is in a horrendous hoarders house in the USA.  Thankfully Humbert was only a puppy and will quickly put his sad life behind him.  A volunteer transported him to the boarder where we met him and his new future family. They are previous adopters who missed their beloved chow Mandy immensely.  After her sad passing, and much time to heal, they felt ready to open their hearts to another pup in need.  Humbert was definitely in need.  He has no idea how lucky he is to call this incredibly sweet family, HIS!  Along with a new home, and a new life, he has a new name.. Aramis.  Congratulations Aramis and family to a happy future together! 

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  • Happy Endings


    Ben was one of 27 dogs seized in a horrendous hoarding situation in the US. This poor boy lived his entire year and a half life in a crate with no exposure to the outside world. A volunteer transported him to the boarder where we met him for the first time.  Ben stayed curled up in the back of his kennel, smelling foul, covered in his own waste. Thankfully our benevolent groomer squeezed him in right away.  His filthy matted coat was shaved away…along with his pitiful past.  Ben was immediately welcome by one of our amazing previous adopters. Sadly they recently lost their big beautiful beloved boy to bloat. Their hearts were crushed, their home seemed empty and they both felt lost.  They understood what broken felt like, so when they saw the defeat in Ben’s eyes, they knew he needed them as much as they need him.  Together they will mend, grow and bond. Ben has a safe happy and patient place to learn how to be a dog…. His family have the most irresistible  sweetest boy possible.  His teddy Bear looks have earned him a new name, Yogie Bear.  Enjoy your new life little one…a Happy Ending for all, congratulations.  

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  • Happy Endings


    December 19, 2023

    A HAPPY ENDING for Mombo!

    At eight months old, Mombo’s life was on the line after a tragic incident. He was in the kitchen when he heard the front door open and a neighbor and child walked in unannounced. It was a awful chain of events that resulted in a bad bite.
    Pressure from the community forced his novice chow parents to have him euthanized. His family was devastated including their two young children who made a video to show the world how loving their dog really was. Mombo’s mom reached out to us as a last desperate attempt to save his life. Days before his appointment, we intervened…and committed to taking him.
    He arrived nervous and confused but not an attack dog. A little guarded and growly but by day two he was seeking attention. He wasn’t going to be a good dog…he’s was a going to be a great dog! The kids were right. Mombo is a playful, affectionate, goofy boy who does not want to get into trouble. Finally an application came in, followed by several more. After sharing the details of his past and emphasizing how seriously he guards his home and family, we narrowed down the list. It was a tough choice between two wonderful applicants making it impossible to decide. Fortunately we didn’t have to… Mombo chose his new family the minute he met them. He turned on his charm offering snuggles and kisses. He couldn’t get enough of their attention and affection acting like a puppy in love. The feeling was mutual…it was a perfect match. Congratulations Mombo and your forever family.

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