Happy Endings


Like most chows, Sheena failed the shelter test with flying colors. So much so, they had deemed her aggressive and unadoptable, and had rescue not stepped up, she would have been euthanized.

Sheena’s photo was spotted on Facebook by a devoted chow volunteer. What she saw was a scared little female with pleading eyes and a missing tail, hovering in the corner of her cage. Sheena was first pulled by CCRCNY and then Merlin’s Hope offered to help and Sheena was transferred to our rescue in Canada.

Sheena’s path followed the same trajectory as all our dogs: intake at one of our regular fosters for a period that allows us to get to know and work with the dog. After a few weeks in Toronto, we knew enough about Sheena to send her on to her permanent foster in Ottawa. In that home, her foster parents and two furry fosters chow siblings took on the task of working on Sheena’s somewhat lacking social skills. She must have felt very lucky when she was able to get some good training and settle in to a routine.

Surely Sheena must have thought she had struck gold and her good luck continued — her forever home turned out to be just around the corner! Sheena won the hearts of one of our previous adopters who had recently lost their chow. In her new home, she will be spoiled with love and affection all day long and I bet she will be doing her happy spin dance often! They even find her bunny tail adorable. Sheena, now Sheen-waz, is truly in doggy heaven on earth!

Congratulations to Richard & Victor for making Sheen-Waz a part of their family.