Happy Endings


A new family, a new beginning and a new name, Mabel. Mabel’s previous family surrendered her to the Windsor shelter when they were displaced. Her skin was in terrible shape along with missing patches of fur where she had been chewing at herself. The shelter treated her for allergies, vetted her and tried to get some weigh on her tiny frame. The staff was nervous to work with her and called a trainer in for support. Two months later we were contacted and brought this little girl into our adoption program. We changed her food to grain free and are continuing with allergy medication. Mabel has worked hard at learning leash manners along with basic obedience, and has become the sweetest little girl she could possibly be. Mable’s new Mom and Dad adored her before they even met her. While she was in rescue, they came over every day to visit and walk her. It was a perfect match. Mabel won the hearts of many in her short time with us, but most important, she found a committed family to love her forever.