Tyson was temporarily spending time in a junk yard, and it showed. His dirty coat stunk as did the infection in his mouth. Our groomer did a fabulous job cleaning him up just in time for his surgery to be neutered. Once under, his mouth was also cleaned and antibiotics were prescribed. Tyson’s previous owner made a tough decision to call upon Rescue and surrender his beloved companion. It was a sad and sensitive situation but we promised to find Tyson an incredible home so he would not have to worry about his dog any longer. His foster mom was a perfect start. A gentle patient gal made his transition easier. While Tyson was being fostered, he made friends with the resident cat. He charmed his way into everyone’s hearts and no one could imagine the house without Tyson. He was home. Congratulations Tyson, you’ll be spoiled with new adventures and endless love for the rest of your life.