Happy Endings


The Human Society was called to pick up Bruno and his girlfriend. Together they resided at the shelter for the next six months while Staff patiently worked with them to help make them adoptable. They also
diligently tried to find them a safe place in Rescue for a hopefully future. We suggested they split them up for a better chance of adoption and they did. Finally we committed to Bruno and shortly after to his friend Zooey who quickly found her forever home. Bruno however was a senior male making him a less appealing to adopt. Life so far has been about abandonment. His original owner left him, the shelter staff come and go, his girlfriend disappeared…he put on a tough face, but he was scared. He walked proud on a leash, but over reacted when seeing other dogs making his adoption option even slimmer.
Good thing he’s as cute as a button. When his new family took one look at his photo, they knew he was their boy. Before he could be adopted, Bruno needed his teeth cleaned and sadly a few pulled. His new Mom and Dad anxiously waited. When it was time to go, it was a family affair. Bruno got a big welcome and a perfect start to his new life. We’re happy Bruno has a perfect home, his own bed, yard and best of all his own people! Finally he has what every dog wants…attention and love. What makes this even more amazing… Zooey’s only 10 minuets away! Congratulations To Bruno-Bear…you are finally are home.