2020 Year End Round Up

It will be remembered for the pandemic and how it’s impacted our lives and the rolling effects of our future. 2020 made helping dogs across the US boarder impossible. It was also the year we had two owner surrenders we could not accept into rescue. In both cases the dogs were beyond what we are qualified or comfortable to handle. Finally and heartbreakingly, Lucy, a young chow was lost in a tragic dog attack.
So here’s the GOOD stuff we NEED to remember in 2020….
*Chow Chows & Shar Peis found their forever homes!
*Sweet Holly didn’t have to go to a shelter when her parents relocated and breed restrictions forced them to give her up.
*Rosie got relief from her eye lashes painfully scraping against her corneas!
*A lovely family and previous adopter welcomed two new additions into their lives this year…. puppy Odessa, and their new baby girl!
**Jet scored the attention and lifestyle she’s always dreamed of and Diva’s feeling and looking better with her loving family who keep her safe and well.
*That brings us to Marley who’s free from living in a garage and now enjoys the premium life-style of comfy couches, off leash parks and spa days.
*And Abby! Free from the pinch collar! Free from painful entropion and now she can even breathe easier!
*Diesel was saved from being euthanized!
*Homer found his way home despite the odds against him!
*A rescue in Kuwait saved Pilot from the streets, a very dangerous place for animals! He is here and blissfully enjoying good care and cooler temperatures.
*Best of all… Lucy’s broken-hearted Mom is definitely healing with gentle Pilot’s loving help.
To You, our Followers, we thank you for all your kind words and support. A big thank you to the volunteers who help fundraise, a crucial part rescue. Thank you adopters for giving a dog in need an amazing home!
Have a very Merry Christmas and a Happy, Healthy and Safe New Year!