December 18, 2022

Eight months ago, Shelby was dropped off at the shelter by her owner. They deemed her rescue only because of her no nonsense attitude. She was nervous, scared, shaking and ready to back anyone off that threatened her. We took a chance and brought her into rescue. Not only did she come with attitude, but a hefty medical file as well. Tackling simple vetting required full sedation and unfortunately she came with a multiple issues that needed immediate attention including several surgeries. After spending months in recovery (from ears to eyes, double dew claw removal, many bouts of fevers) she has settled in nicely with her fur brothers and sister. She is still vulnerable to random, life threatening fevers however her foster mom vigilantly watches for signs to stays on top of them and all her other medical needs. In return, she usually gets stink eye since Shelby barely tolerates her. This makes treating her ailments all the more challenging.
Thankfully when Shelby looks at her dad, love-hearts pop from her eyes like a smitten cartoon character. She follows him around like a duckling and whines when he’s out of sight. In return, he plays with her and showers her with attention….since no one else really can. He can do anything to her because he can’t do anything wrong in her lovesick puppy eyes.
Shelby, you’re not the easiest dog. You cost a pant load in medications, you fever regularly, you’re a nightmare at the vets, and you look like you’re ready to tear someone’s head off at any given time. You also…love your Daddy and you’re, “his girl.” The two are inseparable and that’s a perfect match…Happy official adoption day Shelby…you have the best of both, a mommy who cares and a daddy who loves you to bits! Congratulations Diesel, Pepper & Raisin on you new sister, and Shelby the newest addition.