• Happy Endings


    After posting the stats about Lena yesterday, we hoped it would show our dedication and desperation to help Lena the sweet Shar Pei
    ..…24 hours later….
    We are absolutely thrilled to announce that Lena has found her forever home!
    This wonderful couple and their Sharpei made the trip to meet her at the shelter today…It was love at first sight for everyone! The picture shows the giant smile on Lena’s fury face. They were so excited to share the news of their newest family member with us, and we are equally overjoyed.
    We’d like to thank everyone who shared her post. We also thank her new family for opening their hearts and home to this little girl who was so deserving of a chance of a wonderful new life.

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    Kaly was surrendered to the shelter because someone in the family developed allergies. Ironically, Kaly’s inflamed, swollen red skin indicated that she had been suffering from allergies for a very long time with no relief other than scratching herself raw. The shelter’s vet put her on prednisone, antibiotics, trazodone and gabapentin for pain, and also meds for nasty ear infections.
    Not only was this poor dog suffering physically but she was mentally scared and confused. She went from having a family and home, to being alone in a noisy stressful kennel environment.
    Kaly needed a special adopter where she would be the only pet (at least to start), with Shar Pei experience, comfortable with medical issues, have lots of patience, and actually afford a Shar Pei. She needed help..she needed an Angel.
    We advocated for this sad soul, by sharing updates and pictures each time we visited her at the shelter. She was looking a little brighter each day and we felt a tiny bit hopeful as she slowly came out of her shell.

    A couple happened to see her profile that was shared by mutual friend, but they already had a lovely Shar Pei girl.

    Sadly and unexpectedly their beautiful girl (who had been diagnosed with kidney failure) crossed the Rainbow Bridge leaving them devastated and heart broken. In their grief, Kaly’s post still lingered in the back of their minds, but bringing in another dog was far too soon. Oddly, something about her made them want to know more. After discussing her history and backstory, they decided to at least meet her and consider the possibility of fostering. Neither one were ready to welcome a new dog permanently into their lives… then they met Kaly.
    The connection was instant. Kaly was at ease in their space as if she had met them several times before. The couple played it cool and agreed to foster….However, when Kaly’s little paws walked through their front door, they knew she wasn’t going anywhere, because she was “home”
    Marla, Corey and Kaly, your guardian Angel likely has wings and a tail, and we’re sure she brought you all together to help your hearts heal. All eyes were Misty with joy for the love of pattering paws filling your hearts and home once again.

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    Mary & Hattie

    Amazing! Merlins Hope has the BEST followers! Thank you everyone who shared, liked & commented on these 2 sweet Shar peis. You reading this…are amazing & we appreciate you! Mary & Hattie left the shelter yesterday with their new family. With lots of excitement, they drove 8 hours one way to meet them. The shelter opened at 11:00 and by noon they were packed up, settled in and making the long drive home. It was wagging tails & kisses all around. Congratulations
    Mary, Hattie & your new family!

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    The pitiful looking “Walmart Shar Pei” won everyone’s heart when her photo was posted looking sad and lost. She was dumped like garbage in their parking lot by her neglectful owner.
    Judging by the atrocious condition she was in, being abandoned was the best thing that happened to this old gal. After Animal Services picked her up, the shelter scheduled her for a brow lift and spay. They reached out to rescue with a long list of medical concerns including skin, ears and eye issues. Merlin’s Hope committed to her knowing she was old, riddled with ailments and located in the USA….but we were likely her only hope. It was a team effort getting her from the shelter and into rescue. We were very fortunate to have a medical and Pei savvy foster willing to take on the extra responsibility of caring for this very broken girl. A new start and a new name, Octavia.
    Octavia settled in quietly at first while she got the lay of the land, meaning meeting the resident Shar peis and sizing them up. She endearingly won the heart of her foster mom being a good patient for her medicated baths, ear drops, eye drops and vet appointments.
    Now that she’s beginning to feel better, her big personality is taking charge. She has found her place in this incredible home with her four furry brothers whom she rules over like the Queen she thinks she is. She has a long road ahead of her to heal the wounds of the past, physical and mental, but she’s in the best place possible place.
    When you put your heart and soul into nurturing an animal back to health, inevitably love, trust and an incredible bond blossoms. We are truly grateful for the kindness and support her forever mom has, and alway will provide for this special girl.
    Happy Adoption Day Octavia

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    Dolly was a senior girl who looked decades older than she likely was. She appeared completely shut down and defeated at the back of her crate in the shelter. The wounds and scars on her body told story of a rough, hard sad life. Riddled with so many issues and looking so broken, she was close to being humanly euthanized out of compassion. We agreed to take her pending the vets assessment. Once we had the go ahead, her spayed and dental were scheduled. After surgery, Dolly was left with 14 out of 42 teeth because they were either rotten, cracked, or had exposed roots. 16 weeks later, she underwent entropion surgery.  

    We placed Dolly in the best foster home where she would receive incredible care.  Her red raw ears got better with medication, she had her first bath to wash away the smelly past and was able to sleep in comfort with her very own stuffy.  Everyone routed for this sad girl to feel joy, and she did.  Slowly she healed, slowly she he came out of her shell and slowly she looked brighter. Not one, but two special families followed her journey and were ready to welcome her into their lives. It came down to her being an only dog. We felt certain Dolly had shared enough of herself with other canines, and now was the time to lavish in all the attention by herself.  Her new family was thrilled and couldn’t wait to meet her. They didn’t hesitate to drive from Nova Scotia to Ontario when they got the news. Dolly landed in a dream home with gentle caring humans. They loved her well before they met her.  This old girl has blossomed into a beautiful healthy Pei, who knows what it is to be an important member of a family. Congratulations Dolly and our new family…enjoy living your best life ever! 

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    Jasmine landed in our rescue because she badly beat up a smaller resident dog over a treat…not once but twice. The little dog needed extensive medical care and her owner was heartbroken. Jasmine’s vet recommended euthanizing her and an appointment was booked.  Poor Jasmine had no idea how upset she made her parents. Right before her appointment, Merlin’s agreed to take her into rescue.  

    She was an absolutely lovely girl. A very pretty girl, sweet as she could possibly be…especially after we got her groomed.  Sadly, she desperately wanted to go back to go home to her family.  While in rescue, she did enjoy MANY long exhausting walks and much attention, but nothing stopped her incessant stress. She panted, barked and cried day and night. Weeks passed and she still hasn’t settled in. Her previous parents emailed regularly to check up on how she was doing.  One day they called and could hear her barking in the background. They were already missing her and hearing her broke their hearts. It was an emotional decision to let her go. They asked for her back.  We discussed what happened, and what measures would be in place to make sure it never happened again. They agreed to keep Jasmine and the little dog safe especially with treats. Jasmine couldn’t be happier to see her parents again. It was a joyful reunion. Poor Jazzy was exhausted from being away from her family and slept peacefully the whole ride home.     

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    Havoc and his siblings were dumped loose in a remote area by a puppy mill breeder once they were not sellable.  One by one they were trapped, vetted and either adopted or turned over to rescue. Our wonderful transport gal had been waiting for the right chow to add to her family. While picking up his sister to bring to rescue, arrangements were made for a meet and greet for Havic and her girl Fury. Havoc quite liked Fury right away and our transporter fell for his puppy dog eyes the minute she saw him.  Needless to say, it was the right fit, and her next transport was bringing her new fur-baby home!  Congratulations Havoc, Fury, your new family and home! 

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    December 19, 2023

    A HAPPY ENDING for Mombo!

    At eight months old, Mombo’s life was on the line after a tragic incident. He was in the kitchen when he heard the front door open and a neighbor and child walked in unannounced. It was a awful chain of events that resulted in a bad bite.
    Pressure from the community forced his novice chow parents to have him euthanized. His family was devastated including their two young children who made a video to show the world how loving their dog really was. Mombo’s mom reached out to us as a last desperate attempt to save his life. Days before his appointment, we intervened…and committed to taking him.
    He arrived nervous and confused but not an attack dog. A little guarded and growly but by day two he was seeking attention. He wasn’t going to be a good dog…he’s was a going to be a great dog! The kids were right. Mombo is a playful, affectionate, goofy boy who does not want to get into trouble. Finally an application came in, followed by several more. After sharing the details of his past and emphasizing how seriously he guards his home and family, we narrowed down the list. It was a tough choice between two wonderful applicants making it impossible to decide. Fortunately we didn’t have to… Mombo chose his new family the minute he met them. He turned on his charm offering snuggles and kisses. He couldn’t get enough of their attention and affection acting like a puppy in love. The feeling was mutual…it was a perfect match. Congratulations Mombo and your forever family.

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    December 18, 2022

    Eight months ago, Shelby was dropped off at the shelter by her owner. They deemed her rescue only because of her no nonsense attitude. She was nervous, scared, shaking and ready to back anyone off that threatened her. We took a chance and brought her into rescue. Not only did she come with attitude, but a hefty medical file as well. Tackling simple vetting required full sedation and unfortunately she came with a multiple issues that needed immediate attention including several surgeries. After spending months in recovery (from ears to eyes, double dew claw removal, many bouts of fevers) she has settled in nicely with her fur brothers and sister. She is still vulnerable to random, life threatening fevers however her foster mom vigilantly watches for signs to stays on top of them and all her other medical needs. In return, she usually gets stink eye since Shelby barely tolerates her. This makes treating her ailments all the more challenging.
    Thankfully when Shelby looks at her dad, love-hearts pop from her eyes like a smitten cartoon character. She follows him around like a duckling and whines when he’s out of sight. In return, he plays with her and showers her with attention….since no one else really can. He can do anything to her because he can’t do anything wrong in her lovesick puppy eyes.
    Shelby, you’re not the easiest dog. You cost a pant load in medications, you fever regularly, you’re a nightmare at the vets, and you look like you’re ready to tear someone’s head off at any given time. You also…love your Daddy and you’re, “his girl.” The two are inseparable and that’s a perfect match…Happy official adoption day Shelby…you have the best of both, a mommy who cares and a daddy who loves you to bits! Congratulations Diesel, Pepper & Raisin on you new sister, and Shelby the newest addition.

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    September 26, 2022

    Congratulations Boo!
    This is a long over due happy ending! Our little Sky-Boo would have probably been used as a breeder dog had her owner not passed away. A rescue scooped up the puppies and left four adult chows behind. Animal Services came in and found one in the home, one in a kennel and two loose on the property. They set up traps, and after a few weeks, Boo was safely secured. Soon after, she was released to rescue and taken to the vet for a health check. Her bloodwork came back heartworm positive and we started her on the long intense treatment immediately. Boo was a little firecracker ready to go, so keeping her calm was a challenge. A quiet home to recover instead of a house full of chows was what she really needed. I asked my awesome foster couple who helped with several dogs prior if she could stay with them after her injection when rest was vital. They were a bit nervous after seeing her wiggle out of her harness and collar, escape from my porch and climb a six foot fence….but they wanted to help so agreed to keep her for a week. That’s pretty much all the time Boo needed to prove what an adorable love-bug she was.
    She happily stayed there for the rest of her treatments and recovery. Boo made it impossible for her foster mom to hold strong and “just foster”… she had her wrapped around her paw in no time. Boo became a very loving member of their family and a special part of their wedding. She means the world to them as they do to each other, a truly happily ever after. Congratulations Boo and your sweet beautiful family!

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