After 7 years of home life, Sweet Soya found herself sleeping on a concrete floor in a shelter…twice in the last year. The staff was eager to get this lovely girl into rescue because the shelter was at capacity. She was spayed, vaccinated and had her over grown nails trimmed. The only thing left was to remove several thick matts and find her a happy home.
Her future Mom and long time Merlin’s follower read several comments of disbelief that Soya hadn’t been adopted quickly, but she knew the reason why…Soya was meant to be part of her family. She and her husband traveled from Quebec to Mississauga to meet her. After a nice long walk, Soya’s future Dad admitted that he loved her already! Does it get any better than that? Yep! There were three excited girls waiting at home to welcome the newest female into their family! Congratulations Soya and family!