Happy Ending! ….(Pym / Kenya…now Noochie)
Pym and her brother were two of six chow mixes dumped by a backyard breeder. They were scared and clung together in the shelter frightened of the staff. They were also scared of doorways so often had to be carried through them. Transport was arranged to pull Pym first. She quickly settled in with her foster family who also helped get her to the clinic for the rest of her vetting. She was fantastic! Meanwhile, application, piled in for this stunning looking beauty. We started with past adopters and approved applicants that have been patiently waiting for the right dog. A young energetic couple stood out and we felt like it would be the perfect fit. We knew he recently lost his loyal buddy to cancer, a beautiful chow who was given the best care by the OVC. What we didn’t know was his partner was secretly hoping for a more energetic dog such as an Aussie. Needless to say, they both were thrilled to become Pym’s new family! We look forward to hearing about everything she’ll learn and the adventures she will enjoy. Congratulations Pym you’re part of an awesome family! -
After 7 years of home life, Sweet Soya found herself sleeping on a concrete floor in a shelter…twice in the last year. The staff was eager to get this lovely girl into rescue because the shelter was at capacity. She was spayed, vaccinated and had her over grown nails trimmed. The only thing left was to remove several thick matts and find her a happy home.
Her future Mom and long time Merlin’s follower read several comments of disbelief that Soya hadn’t been adopted quickly, but she knew the reason why…Soya was meant to be part of her family. She and her husband traveled from Quebec to Mississauga to meet her. After a nice long walk, Soya’s future Dad admitted that he loved her already! Does it get any better than that? Yep! There were three excited girls waiting at home to welcome the newest female into their family! Congratulations Soya and family! -
Humbert was one of 27 dogs condemned to life in a small crate had the authorities not busted is in a horrendous hoarders house in the USA. Thankfully Humbert was only a puppy and will quickly put his sad life behind him. A volunteer transported him to the boarder where we met him and his new future family. They are previous adopters who missed their beloved chow Mandy immensely. After her sad passing, and much time to heal, they felt ready to open their hearts to another pup in need. Humbert was definitely in need. He has no idea how lucky he is to call this incredibly sweet family, HIS! Along with a new home, and a new life, he has a new name.. Aramis. Congratulations Aramis and family to a happy future together!
Ben was one of 27 dogs seized in a horrendous hoarding situation in the US. This poor boy lived his entire year and a half life in a crate with no exposure to the outside world. A volunteer transported him to the boarder where we met him for the first time. Ben stayed curled up in the back of his kennel, smelling foul, covered in his own waste. Thankfully our benevolent groomer squeezed him in right away. His filthy matted coat was shaved away…along with his pitiful past. Ben was immediately welcome by one of our amazing previous adopters. Sadly they recently lost their big beautiful beloved boy to bloat. Their hearts were crushed, their home seemed empty and they both felt lost. They understood what broken felt like, so when they saw the defeat in Ben’s eyes, they knew he needed them as much as they need him. Together they will mend, grow and bond. Ben has a safe happy and patient place to learn how to be a dog…. His family have the most irresistible sweetest boy possible. His teddy Bear looks have earned him a new name, Yogie Bear. Enjoy your new life little one…a Happy Ending for all, congratulations.
December 19, 2023
At eight months old, Mombo’s life was on the line after a tragic incident. He was in the kitchen when he heard the front door open and a neighbor and child walked in unannounced. It was a awful chain of events that resulted in a bad bite.
Pressure from the community forced his novice chow parents to have him euthanized. His family was devastated including their two young children who made a video to show the world how loving their dog really was. Mombo’s mom reached out to us as a last desperate attempt to save his life. Days before his appointment, we intervened…and committed to taking him.
He arrived nervous and confused but not an attack dog. A little guarded and growly but by day two he was seeking attention. He wasn’t going to be a good dog…he’s was a going to be a great dog! The kids were right. Mombo is a playful, affectionate, goofy boy who does not want to get into trouble. Finally an application came in, followed by several more. After sharing the details of his past and emphasizing how seriously he guards his home and family, we narrowed down the list. It was a tough choice between two wonderful applicants making it impossible to decide. Fortunately we didn’t have to… Mombo chose his new family the minute he met them. He turned on his charm offering snuggles and kisses. He couldn’t get enough of their attention and affection acting like a puppy in love. The feeling was mutual…it was a perfect match. Congratulations Mombo and your forever family. -
December 18, 2022
Eight months ago, Shelby was dropped off at the shelter by her owner. They deemed her rescue only because of her no nonsense attitude. She was nervous, scared, shaking and ready to back anyone off that threatened her. We took a chance and brought her into rescue. Not only did she come with attitude, but a hefty medical file as well. Tackling simple vetting required full sedation and unfortunately she came with a multiple issues that needed immediate attention including several surgeries. After spending months in recovery (from ears to eyes, double dew claw removal, many bouts of fevers) she has settled in nicely with her fur brothers and sister. She is still vulnerable to random, life threatening fevers however her foster mom vigilantly watches for signs to stays on top of them and all her other medical needs. In return, she usually gets stink eye since Shelby barely tolerates her. This makes treating her ailments all the more challenging.
Thankfully when Shelby looks at her dad, love-hearts pop from her eyes like a smitten cartoon character. She follows him around like a duckling and whines when he’s out of sight. In return, he plays with her and showers her with attention….since no one else really can. He can do anything to her because he can’t do anything wrong in her lovesick puppy eyes.
Shelby, you’re not the easiest dog. You cost a pant load in medications, you fever regularly, you’re a nightmare at the vets, and you look like you’re ready to tear someone’s head off at any given time. You also…love your Daddy and you’re, “his girl.” The two are inseparable and that’s a perfect match…Happy official adoption day Shelby…you have the best of both, a mommy who cares and a daddy who loves you to bits! Congratulations Diesel, Pepper & Raisin on you new sister, and Shelby the newest addition. -
November 6, 2022
Today is Frodo’s 1 year birthday. Today is the day he is officially adopted and a new member of our family. Frodo was an owner surrender and arrived into rescue with a few behavioural issues such as guarding his food bowl…even when it was empty. With rules and work, he politely eats and is willing to step back from his dish when asked. Frodo still has lots to learn but has blended into our family as best as he can. Happy Birthday Frodo…you and Paul got your way! Congratulations!
September 26, 2022
Congratulations Boo!
This is a long over due happy ending! Our little Sky-Boo would have probably been used as a breeder dog had her owner not passed away. A rescue scooped up the puppies and left four adult chows behind. Animal Services came in and found one in the home, one in a kennel and two loose on the property. They set up traps, and after a few weeks, Boo was safely secured. Soon after, she was released to rescue and taken to the vet for a health check. Her bloodwork came back heartworm positive and we started her on the long intense treatment immediately. Boo was a little firecracker ready to go, so keeping her calm was a challenge. A quiet home to recover instead of a house full of chows was what she really needed. I asked my awesome foster couple who helped with several dogs prior if she could stay with them after her injection when rest was vital. They were a bit nervous after seeing her wiggle out of her harness and collar, escape from my porch and climb a six foot fence….but they wanted to help so agreed to keep her for a week. That’s pretty much all the time Boo needed to prove what an adorable love-bug she was.
She happily stayed there for the rest of her treatments and recovery. Boo made it impossible for her foster mom to hold strong and “just foster”… she had her wrapped around her paw in no time. Boo became a very loving member of their family and a special part of their wedding. She means the world to them as they do to each other, a truly happily ever after. Congratulations Boo and your sweet beautiful family! -
Little Dude
September 17, 2022
The Perfect Rescue Story that turned a broken sick dog on death row to happy, healed and homed in just 6 weeks!
This little dog was picked up by Animal Control in such bad physical shape, he was hard to look at. Euthanasia was his freedom from further pain and suffering. …However, a volunteer called us, and together we saved him from his scheduled fate. The next day he arrived in rescue, shut down, filthy, smelling horrendous, a living petrie dish for flies…he barely moved. That night, he was groomed, his overgrown nails clipped and was given a pain pill..it was the start of his new life and he clearly knew it! This Little Dude wiggled with excitement and relief. The next day he was transported to Montreal where he was already scheduled to see the vet the following day. Within days treatment was started for extensive infections in both his eyes and ears. A series of surgeries followed closely behind that included resolving his double cherry eyes, entropion, massive ear cleaning in unbelievable raw- bloody-infected canals, ingrown dew-claw removal, neuter and a full vasectomy as he only had one testical. He had an x-ray to confirm his broken tail had healed the best it could. We followed up with a specialist after his neuter to avoid the risk of cancer in the event his second testical was still inside. Literally from head to toe, he was treated and transformed. He arrived looking like this pathetic Little Dude who just layed still or walked with his head held low to a happy grateful boy who never stops wagging his tail. We still worried no one would look past his scared eyes, split nose and crooked tail to find him a loving home he was so deserving to have. As fast as his life spun around, he had the perfect family waiting for his availability!
A couple who had adopted two shar pei’s from us were following his journey. Their last girl was a “mill dog,” a female who was rescued from the torment of being kept pregnant her whole life. She was sweet but fragile and needed an extra special home.They gave Arielle the best life she so well deserved until she crossed the Rainbow Bridge..and now 2 years later, their home would once again become a safe and caring place for another dog in need.
They had been following Little Dude’s story and grew more and more fond of him until they just couldn’t wait to meet the dog they already loved. Our hearts are full with joy as we celebrate an incredible rescue effort. So many people volunteered and donated to help this Little Dude have a chance….Big thank you to the rescue at the shelter, the groomer, the transporters, the vets and his followers…but most of all to his new family who will let him be the incredible boy he is, and feel nothing but love and kindness for the rest of his life.
Little Dude…LD… Lost Dog to Loved Dog… a perfect rescue story and they’ll live happily ever after…a new beginning!
Congratulations EVERYONE!
Especially Little Dude and his amazing family! -
Happiest of endings for our sweet Kola Bear!
Kola was a breeder dog left to fend for herself after her owner passed away. She survived several months foraging and hunting until finally trapped by a professional. Animal Welfare Services picked her up and she was kenneled for over a month until the Ministry of the Solicitor General gave the okay for release. When the basic vetting was done, we learned that Kola was both Heartworm and Lyme disease positive. Merlin’s Hope agreed to take her and began the long process of heartworm treatment immediately.
Kola went from freedom-to-kennel-to-foster-home (with me) and adapted nicely to each environment. The lengthy heartworm treatment takes at least 4 months and includes strong precisely-timed injections on three different days. Because she needed to be closely monitored after each injection, I accompanied Kola for her eight hour stays at the vet clinic. During those vet visits, she gracefully allowed the vets to check her heart and gums every 30 minutes. She was incredibly patient throughout this 4-month process which also included limited exercise as running, jumping, and playing could cause serious complications.
Kola was the perfect foster chow, but yet there was zero interest in her. Neither her beautiful blue coat, those big pleading eyes, nor her gentle demeanor was fetching any interest! Eight months later – just when it seemed that Kola’s time would never come – three lovely applications came in at once. It was a tough choice, but a special lady well-known to rescue recently lost her beautiful rescue chow. Her heart and home felt empty without the companionship of her furry friend. She was ready to adopt again and our little girl was a perfect match.
We couldn’t be happier for Kola as she will now have lots of walks and the undivided attention of her savvy chow mom. She will lack for nothing and be close enough that I can visit! After those eight long months, Kola holds a special place in my heart. I am thrilled she is quickly settling into her forever home where there is nothing but love and happiness. She deserves nothing less, as does her devoted chow-mom. Congratulations to them both!
Kola may comeback temporarily should she come into heat or in September when it is safe for her to be spayed. Until then she will enjoy every day in her forever home!